Yakezie Challenge

So after putting in the time for the last year, mostly focusing on this blog as an experiment of sorts as well as dabbling in social media; Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ I’ve decided to step it up a bit. I’d seen the website before but had been slightly intimidated by the 2-4 posts per week recommendations and the whole idea of the Yakezie Challenge and it’s 6 month duration.

But here I am, about to start off for the next 6 months trying to further boost the ranking of my blog, build awareness and go from just another hobby to a bit more of a side gig.

Just warning all of you readers that I will be writing more content, helping you more and focusing on what you want to hear most. Doesn’t sound like to bad of a deal to me.

So here we go, February 8, 2013 is when I start the Yakezie Challenge. You saw it here first.