Comments on: How to Save Money at the Library /how-to-save-money-at-the-library/ Students Saving Money Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:13:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lauren Bernardo /how-to-save-money-at-the-library/#comment-36 Wed, 13 Feb 2013 19:09:40 +0000 /how-to-save-money-at-the-library/#comment-36 Jordan I completely agree with you, and that’s exactly why I write these blog posts with the hope that students will be able to save a bit more here and there. I think the overall ideology in university/college may not be to save your money which is a problem that I hope will change soon to reduce overall student debt.

By: Jordan Marcus /how-to-save-money-at-the-library/#comment-32 Thu, 07 Feb 2013 18:49:06 +0000 /how-to-save-money-at-the-library/#comment-32 I had the same experience with Nelly, I had no choice but to borrow the book and return it after its deadline, I also spent a lot in photocopies of our readings and other materials. I must admit saving money when you’re still in college is a bit difficult. That’s the time that since the money is coming from your parents, sometimes the tendency is you overspend the money that they are giving to you. I may have to say that the earlier you save money the better; besides, it’s for your future anyway.
