Easy Leftover Recipes for Students

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  • http://brokemillennial.com/ BrokeMillennial

    Thanks for the shout out and what a great idea! A friend of mine does the Spaghetti Frittata too, but I’ve never tried it before. Next time I shall! And a secret for saving salads is asking for dressing on the side. Then you avoid the soggy mess!

    • https://cheapstudents.ca/ Lauren @ Cheap Students

      Oh no problem, thanks for getting me thinking and making something tasty as the end result. It’s relatively easy, the only hard part is flipping it haha. And this is true, I actually just ate a leftover salad today and they automatically put the dressing on the side for takeout. Worked out really well.

  • GenXer

    I’m not a student anymore (even grad school days were 11 years ago) and I now enjoy a good salary with all the trappings of adulthood but even now I don’t throw out leftovers (unless they’ve gone bad, and I plan meals to avoid that as much as possible).
    I use all sorts of leftover meats and veggies for various kinds of pasta sauces (so not the same as a spaghetti frittata). If it’s chicken it can be used with nuts and raisins as salad topping.

    Leftover pasta becomes either cold pasta salad (add salad dressing, nuts and fruit or tomatoes or whatever you have) or if it’s the right shape I make up a cheese sauce for mac and cheese
    stale bread and leftover sausage – if it’s breakfast sausage it can be turned into a breakfast strata – torn bits of bread, chopped sausage. Saute some onion, layer the bread and sausage with shredded cheese. pour with a milk-egg mix. Wait overnight (or one hour) and then bake. If there’s not breakfast sausage it is *still* good. Also good with leftover veggies like peppers, mushrooms, whatever you’d throw in an omelette
    This is probably why I like cooking – stretch the food and stretch your creativity!

    • https://cheapstudents.ca/ Lauren @ Cheap Students

      GenXer I have to say I totally agree with you. I can’t say that I’m a master chef by any means but I do love cooking and trying out new things and random leftovers here and there can make it that much more interesting. We always ate leftovers at home when I was growing up so it’s just something I am accustomed to as well, no use wasting food when you can make perfectly great meals out of it. Thanks for the comment and checking out the blog!

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