Casino In Toronto & How Gambling Is Just Plain Bad

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  • Common Cents Wealth

    Gambling can be a very bad thing. We have quite a few casinos near us here in Minneapolis and I’ve been to them many a time. As long as you consider it an entertainment expense (within your budget) and keep it under control, it can be okay and end up being very fun.

    • Lauren @ Cheap Students

      Yup the few times I went I really had some fun, but I’m glad I was able to restrain myself and leave when I won or leave when I lost a little bit of $’s. It’s definitely a really fun atmosphere.

  • Vanessa@ Cash Cow Couple

    I always feel sick when I am in/near a casino. There are so many people there with serious money problems. I can’t help but think about all the places that money needs to go besides into the casino’s pocket.

    • Lauren @ Cheap Students

      Yup I totally agree, its quite sad sometimes seeing people continue to lose their money and being in an addicted state.

  • Andrew

    I know a lot of governments are approving casinos because they generate so much money. But at what cost? A casino was just opened not far from in NYC in a low-income area and many people are addicted to it and lose money. I went because they gave $20 to play…I lost the $20 and that was it. My wife used the $20 and cashed out at $30…that was dinner!

    • Lauren @ Cheap Students

      Based on the article I read the Canadian government is going to continue to push for more casino’s and gambling outlets to increase revenue. It’s like making anything else addicting more readily accessible, it’s going to cause some serious problems in the future despite how “lucrative” it may be for the government.