Comments on: Casino In Toronto & How Gambling Is Just Plain Bad /casino-in-toronto/ Students Saving Money Sun, 15 Nov 2015 14:54:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lauren @ Cheap Students /casino-in-toronto/#comment-144 Wed, 19 Jun 2013 00:17:00 +0000 /?p=702#comment-144 Based on the article I read the Canadian government is going to continue to push for more casino’s and gambling outlets to increase revenue. It’s like making anything else addicting more readily accessible, it’s going to cause some serious problems in the future despite how “lucrative” it may be for the government.

By: Andrew /casino-in-toronto/#comment-140 Tue, 18 Jun 2013 15:15:00 +0000 /?p=702#comment-140 I know a lot of governments are approving casinos because they generate so much money. But at what cost? A casino was just opened not far from in NYC in a low-income area and many people are addicted to it and lose money. I went because they gave $20 to play…I lost the $20 and that was it. My wife used the $20 and cashed out at $30…that was dinner!
