Credit Card Interest-My Little Wake Up Call

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  • Andrew

    I have forgotten to pay my bill before. I usually call the company to waive the interest/fee…I know it is only $1.00 but I would do it so that the late payment doesn’t show up on the credit report. As for making sure I pay online, I usually automate the payment so that it deducts money from my account when the payment is due. Also, I sign up for e-mail alerts to let me know if the payment is coming due.

    • Lauren @ Cheap Students

      Thanks Andrew, I definitely will give them a call despite how low the fee is it makes sense so I can keep my credit report looking beautiful. I just found this really great thing through Canada Post that basically consolidates all of my estatements into 1 portal I’m hoping that will keep everything sorted. I’ll look into e-mail alerts as well.

  • Alexa Mason

    I have misplaced bills and forgotten to pay them for. The important stuff that I can’t forget (like car insurance) I have automatically withdrawn from my bank account. Have you considered getting the minimum CC payment automatically taken out. You can always pay more if you want but in the event you do forget to pay the bill at least the minimum payment would be taken out.

    • Lauren @ Cheap Students

      I will definitely look into getting CC payments automatically taken out, my only worry is that I won’t be as conscious of my spending if it gets automatically withdrawn. I will have to find a happy medium!

  • squirrelers

    For me, setting reminders on my phone, which I also get via email, helps keep me in line with bill due dates. I know what you mean about the $1, it’s a matter of principle and also the reality is that forgetting a different bill could have been much worse.