Month in Review – May Edition

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  • Fionna Merciollis

    Hey! that’s the exact things I’m doing right now. In fact, I’ve taken a sabbatical to reassess my capabilities, earn some money from home itself, enjoy my life, and most importantly learn something important that can give me mileage in the coming days. Besides going out with friends for cycling and other adventure sports I’m also into full time freelancing. It’s earning me good money for a respectful living and also sparing me lots of time to prepare myself for some online marketing stuff along with exams. In fact, after leaving my last job I’ve found a new meaning of life that also helped me to reassess my capabilities (in short helped me in doing a SWOT analysis about myself). I think we all need to take a brief pause in life to understand our goals properly and prioritize.
    Currently working as Consultant at

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