Week in Review – Side Hustle & A Little DIY

week in review
It has been long overdue that I start getting a bit of an organized schedule together when it comes to my blogging habits. As you may have realized I’ll have 2 posts in 2 days and then go off the radar for a week or more. The first of many regularly occurring posts will be a week in review consisting of what I’ve done, things I’ve learned and of course my favourite posts of the week.

What I’ve Been Up to

Since I haven’t been working full-time this summer I’ve found some part time side gigs in order to make some money either for a few nights out or additional spending money for Greece. For at least 5 years now I’ve been working for a family friend who is also a real estate agent and have been able to help her out while also earning some spending money here and there. I’m also starting work today for an events company working at World Pride. It’s my first time attending Pride in Toronto and it will be a great way to earn some extra money this weekend, and not spend it on regular Canada Day festivities as well.

Also something completely non-related is that I found myself a little DIY project-a outdoor table that I grabbed for free for our back patio. Yup I know it looks like crap but I’m hoping to turn it into something useful at the very least, maybe an ottoman/side table? I may have been slightly inspired by just about every single blog post on Young House Love. If anyone has any creative suggestions for this beauty definitely post in the comments section!


What I’ve LEarned

This week I’ve started reading The 4-Hour Workweek which has taught me a couple of great tips already so far. One of the best pieces of advice has actually allowed me to really get focused on certain tasks over the last few days. Unfortunately I almost have had too much time this summer and a list of way too many things to work on which has lead me to get very little completed at all. What resonated most with me was the following;

If this is the only thing I accomplish today, will I be satisfied with my day?-Timothy Ferriss 

So as of Monday this week I’ve started writing a list of 3 or fewer things I want to get done and finish them from beginning to end in a single day. I tend to have a problem with wanting to get about 100 things done all at once and getting 1 of them done…which is the least important of course.

Posts I Loved

How to Increase Your Income by 60% – Lauren  @ L Bee and the Money Tree

Switching Careers: My Story- Jessica @ Mo’ Money Mo’ Houses

The Best Ways to Earn Extra Money – Thomas @ I Need Money ASAP

Life is Great, Be Grateful – David & John @ Debt Free Guys

3 Things Girls Buy That Should Never Be Bought - Leslie @ Millennial cents

Thanks for checking out my first of many week in review posts!

Starbucks Cheap

I rarely purchase coffee or other beverages from Starbucks but recently have bought a few pumpkin spice lattes because they are truly awesome. Except the only thing is that a medium..oops sorry grande costs me over $5.00 and it made me think first about all the other things I could be buying myself and also I wanted to figure out how I could get my pumpkin spice latte cheaper. So check out the recipes below for some seasonal and all-time favourites of mine from Starbucks and see if you like them and if you save yourself a bunch of money in process. What’s not to love?

Pumpkin Spice Latte
Since it is fall and everyone loves their pumpkin spice lattes. Why not save yourself at least $5 and try out this recipe from Recipe Girl.

Chai Tea Latte
Also one of my personal favourites, the Chai Tea Latte. Check out this recipe on how to make your own.

Gingerbread Latte
Check out this slightly altered version that doesn’t use the same gingerbread syrup that has a ton of sugar and other bad for you ingredients.

Also check out this Starbucks recipe guide from Freebies 4 Her with a variety of recipes that you can make at home, and save a bunch of money doing it.