How Facebook can save you money

Facebook is a place where we waste countless hours checking notifications, searching through people’s photos or whatever else you may do. But there’s also a way to save yourself some money here and there by just liking a few pages on Facebook. These posts will show up in your newsfeed and are easy ways to gather coupons, learn about upcoming deals and even get yourself some free stuff as well.

Here’s a list of a few great pages to like.

Canadian Coupons
They often post great offers, free samples and coupons. Some of these are time sensitive
Coupons exclusively, find out about new mail out coupons.

Burnbrae Farms
Often has time sensitive and limit number coupons. Sometimes even free offers for their products.

You can also like the fan pages for your favourite stores and companies. They often post deals, discounts and exclusive coupons for those that like their pages.


Starbucks Cheap

I rarely purchase coffee or other beverages from Starbucks but recently have bought a few pumpkin spice lattes because they are truly awesome. Except the only thing is that a medium..oops sorry grande costs me over $5.00 and it made me think first about all the other things I could be buying myself and also I wanted to figure out how I could get my pumpkin spice latte cheaper. So check out the recipes below for some seasonal and all-time favourites of mine from Starbucks and see if you like them and if you save yourself a bunch of money in process. What’s not to love?

Pumpkin Spice Latte
Since it is fall and everyone loves their pumpkin spice lattes. Why not save yourself at least $5 and try out this recipe from Recipe Girl.

Chai Tea Latte
Also one of my personal favourites, the Chai Tea Latte. Check out this recipe on how to make your own.

Gingerbread Latte
Check out this slightly altered version that doesn’t use the same gingerbread syrup that has a ton of sugar and other bad for you ingredients.

Also check out this Starbucks recipe guide from Freebies 4 Her with a variety of recipes that you can make at home, and save a bunch of money doing it.