Week in Review – Beach, Golf and a Little Reading

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  • http://poorstudent.ca/ Stu @ Poor Student

    I think both Freakonomics and Superfreakonomics were interesting, although I mostly skimmed through the last chapters because it got quite boring… I didn’t know that they published a new book, I’ll check it out later. By the way, I’ve never read 4 Hour Workweek but I’ve read the review on Amazon… Interestingly one of the top comments actually wasn’t a praise because of the reason that the book put too much emphasize on outsourcing, and for me personally this isn’t just the way I work because I like to have full control of my business… What do you think?

    • https://cheapstudents.ca/ Lauren @ Cheap Students

      I did enjoy both of them, but it’s one of those one’s where sometimes it’s good to skim I have to admit. The new one just came out pretty recently too. And the 4 hour work week was extreme but something that was eye opening and motivating to the say the least. I wouldn’t say that I like idea of outsourcing but his ideas and creating a self-sufficient business model while cutting out the crap was a great read. Also the concept of mini-retirements and travelling for extended time periods while you’re still young instead of waiting until 60+ was good. Outsourcing wasn’t my favourite part of the book personally.