Weekend Spending Challenge

weekend spending challenge

So you might be asking yourself…why is she doing SO many challenges. Well contrary to popular belief I don’t write down every purchase I make, and my co-op job has allowed me to have a bit more cash flow than usual. This has lead to me spending probably more than I should on weekends, where I’ve headed to Guelph or gone out with friends in Toronto. I’m sure a lot of you can relate. You wake up Sunday morning and ask yourself..where did all of my money go?

Weekend Spending Challenge

So here’s the challenge. Next weekend coming up, write down everything you spend. We’ll call it the weekend spending challenge. You may not remember exactly where you bought your post bar food, or how many bars you went to, but keep track of how much you take out in cash, and then also check your bank account online. Tally up the total amount spent and damn you might just be surprised how quick it adds up. Those living in smaller towns may have have much smaller weekend spends just because everything is cheaper but it’s still a great test.

Start it this weekend or the next and see how it goes. Are you spending a lot? Find ways to cut down on your weekend spending. This is really important especially in the summer when you start to have an income. You may be more likely to spend a ton of money and not even realize when it’s too late at the end of the summer.

Keep track and start the weekend spending challenge, it might just help you save a lot of money.

Cheap Students Monday Roundup 2

Cheap Students Monday Roundup 2

So I actually have followed through and produced the second Cheap Students Monday Roundup. The idea is that this will help readers by providing even more reading material on personal finance matters that affect students. You can check out last weeks Cheap Students Monday Roundup and continue on below with some new and fresh content for you to read over as well.

The Accidental Environmentalist @ Broke Millennials Is a post that students will definitely be able to connect with. I have to say I have done some of these things especially when living in my student home over the summer last year.

What Happens to Your Wallet When You Don’t Drink for a Month? @ Studenomics is a post that covers a really great way of saving some serious cash just by….not drinking for a month. I know most students would be totally against it, but it’s worth a read especially during that last bit of school when you have little money and a lot of final assignments and exams.

Should You Start Your Own Business When You Graduate? @ 20′s Finance cover’s an interesting topic especially for those students that are unsure what they want to do after university. If you hadn’t considered stating your own business before, this article may change your mind.

I also wanted to add an additional, luckiest person of the week post. The article was all over the internet last week entitled Anonymous Man Pays Off Starlie Becote’s $35,000 Student Loan Debt. I have to say I’m really happy for her, and it’s a beautiful story, but it might just make every other student out there a bit jealous.

Stay tuned for some new posts this week, and good luck on exams!