Cheap Cable Alternatives

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  • squirrelers

    Netflix can be a really good way to save overall, and actually curb excessive TV watching. Only so many movies one can watch, right? Another option, which may sound odd at first, is getting movies from the local library. I’ve gotten some very recent releases this way, with renewals kept them for 2 weeks and paid nothing!

    • Lauren @ Cheap Students

      I actually do remember going to the library when I was younger and borrowing VHS movies. Definitely something I missed here but a great way to get free movies!

  • Andrew

    Amazon Prime also has videos as well as free 2 day shipping and Kindle Library. There’s also Hulu and watching stuff online…I’m satisfied with the programs on over the air tv…plus having cable gives me too many choices. I’m more productive when there’s nothing good to watch on TV and I do something else instead.

    • Lauren @ Cheap Students

      Thanks for all of the options Andrew! I initially decided to write this post for Canadian students and a lot of what you have mentioned unfortunately isn’t available here. I know if you get “US Netflix” there are ways to also get HULU but I believe Amazon Prime is something we don’t get full features of here. And it’s sad to say the only show I watch on TV is the Bachelorette

      • Andrew

        If you watch the Bachelorette…you need to google and watch Jimmy Kimmel and the Baby Bachelor. It is a spoof of the Bachelor/Bachelorette with Jimmy Kimmel’s 4 year old nephew. It is hilarious!!! I would put a link but I’m at work and they block youtube and other video sites. Check it out…very funny!

        • Lauren @ Cheap Students

          I’m going to have to watch that tonight, I watched the actual Bachelorette last night. Thanks for the suggestion!

  • Grayson @ Debt Roundup

    Sorry to see that you have to do some hacks in order to get the US versions, but that is still much cheaper than paying for cable.

    • Lauren @ Cheap Students

      It’s unfortunate, mostly related to licensing issues I believe but what can you do it definitely is cheaper than cable.